One style of jewellery boxes I make has a lid that pivots up and stops at about 95°, and is a simple but elegant way of hinging the lid. It also allows the jewellery box to have a shaped lid that fits in between the box sides.
Having a lid that pivots back does have it's difficulty, and that is knowing where the pivot point is. The best way to find out is to actually do a scale diagram. I use a simple drawing package that allows items to be rotated about a point. By doing a scale diagram of the cross section of the box, I am able to find where the pivot point is. After that, it is just a case of careful marking and drilling.

Here are three boxes with their lid (the lid still need to be shaped, hence the reason they are taller than the box sides).
I used blue masking tape to hold the lids tight in the box, and then wrap the lids down using plastic stretch packing tape. This ensure that the lids will not move when the holes are drilled in the box sides.

Using a pillar drill with the correct sized drill, holes can be drilled through the box sides and into the lid.
The tape on the drill is used as a depth stop.
What is very important is that both holes are directly opposite each other - if not the lid will not open correctly and will bind. It isn't hard to ensure this, just careful marking and drilling is required.

There is always a sense of relief when I test the lid opens and stops.
Mistakes can happen....I have made them, but there are always ways to fix the problem.
As I say, careful marking and drilling. And knowing where the pivot point should be.